What Are Mosquito Coils and How Do They Work?

mosquito coil

There are numerous products available to control mosquitoes around your home or property. If you have been searching for ways to get rid of mosquitoes, you have likely come across something called a “mosquito coil.”

In order to decide whether or not you want to purchase and use mosquito coils, you need to know what they are, how they work, whether or not they are safe, and how effective they are at solving your mosquito problem.

What are Mosquito Coils?

Mosquito coils are essentially a spiral that contains insecticides or repellents that keep mosquitoes away. These repellents may include pyrethrum paste, citronella, and/or a variety of other chemicals. Most are attached to a metal stand that you can set on the ground or on a surface, but others are hung using string and a mosquito coil holder.how to use mosquito coil stand

You might think of a mosquito coil as similar to burning incense; when lit, the spiral burns continuously releasing chemicals to keep mosquitoes at bay.

Mosquito coils were invented in 1895 and have been widely used in countries around the world including Canada, Mexico, Australia, and various countries throughout Asia, South America, and Africa (Environmental Health Perspectives).

How To Mosquito Coils?

Mosquito coils are meant to be an alternative to applying topical insect repellents, such as bug spray. The chemicals burned in mosquito coils either repel mosquitoes, kill mosquitoes or reduce mosquitoes’ ability to bite people. One mosquito coil typically lasts 4 to 12 hours but varies depending on the brand that you purchase. Learning how to use a mosquito coil stand will improve the effectiveness of the product.

How To Use a Mosquito Coil Stand?

how to use mosquito coil holderWhen you use a mosquito coil, you first need to attach the spiral to the mosquito coil repellent holder, which is typically attached in the center of the spiral or is placed underneath the coil. Next, you light the outside end of the spiral with a match or a lighter. Once it is burning, you need to reduce the flame to a smolder; some products do this automatically. Then, you simply leave it burning until it has burned through the entire coil.

Where Can Mosquito Coils Be Used?

Can you use mosquito coils indoors? Mosquito coils are intended for outdoor use only. The coils produce a significant amount of smoke and should not be used in confined spaces. For more information about the risks of using these coils indoors, see below.

In outdoor spaces, the range of a mosquito coil’s effectiveness varies by product. The Off mosquito coil starter and PIC mosquito repellent coils are supposed to protect areas up to 100 square feet (about 9 square meters), whereas mosquito coils from Canadian Tire are supposed to protect 28 square meters. However, this range can be affected by external factors, including the weather.

Are Mosquito Coils Safe?

There has been a decent amount of research on the safety of mosquito coils and findings have revealed the following:

Potential for Fire Hazards

As mosquito coils require burning in order to work, they pose a dangerous fire hazard if left unattended. It is easy for the coil to get knocked off of its stand or for a burning piece of material to fall from the coil. If you are going to use a mosquito coil, make sure you are able to check on it consistently.

The Danger of Coil Smoke Inhalation

homemade mosquito coilMosquito coils work by producing smoke that is filled with insecticides or other chemicals. However, that smoke can also be a health risk to people.

One study found that when a mosquito coil was burned indoors, it produced the same amount of particulate matter as 75-137 cigarettes! In addition to this finding, they found the presence of carcinogens (potentially causing lung cancer) and calculated that the amount of pollutants produced by the mosquito coil was higher than recommended for safe air quality.

Lingering Smell

The smell produced from mosquito coils can be pungent and long-lasting. It tends to seep into clothing and furniture, and it takes a while for the smell to go away. The smell clinging to your clothes means that you are exposed to the mosquito coils’ chemicals for a longer period of time.

Are Mosquito Coils Effective?

Reduce Mosquito Bites

A systematic review of mosquito coils found that they “induce mortality, deterrence, repellency as well as reduce the ability of mosquitoes to feed on humans” (BioMed Central). The study’s authors noted that more research needs to be done to confirm the effects of mosquito coils.

While mosquito coils have been shown to work, the results tend to depend on certain factors.

Weather Dependent

off mosquito coilMosquito coils rely on smoke to eliminate and deter mosquitoes. A windy day will reduce the effectiveness of mosquito coils because the smoke will be blown in all different directions and won’t stay in the location you want to be protected.

Other mosquito products such as topical mosquito repellent or clip-on mosquito repellent are non-weather dependent, and more likely to deter mosquitoes even on the windiest of days.

Only Work Within a Specific Area

Mosquito coils only control mosquitoes within a small radius. Once you step outside of that radius, you are exposed to mosquitoes who haven’t been able to feed within the radius. Outside of the mosquito coil range, there is no protection.

Mosquito bites can lead to a host of diseases including West Nile Virus, Zika, and Malaria among others. It is crucial for you to protect yourself from bites at all times and in all places.

Are Mosquito Coils Worth the Risks?

king mosquito coil holderUltimately, it is up to you to choose the product you use to protect yourself from mosquitoes. You need to understand the health risks associated with mosquito coils before you make that decision.

Mosquito coils can work, but they can also contribute to respiratory issues, release carcinogens, cause fires, and leave you unprotected outside of their radius. There are numerous mosquito repellent products to choose from that work just as well with fewer dangers to your overall health. I highly recommend researching other products for mosquito control before resorting to mosquito coils.